Press - Blueprint -So Alive - Music Video

...The video, directed by Maria Juranic, is equally inventive, employing a number of DIY special effects with great results."Go HERE

So Alive is a jam. Let's start off with that and then we can talk about the magical music video. They create a music video that focuses on paper coming to life in various forms which goes right along with the song's title of coming alive again. I could watch this video and jam to this song over and over and over again..." Go HERE

...Given the erratic nature of the song, it only makes sense that the visuals are equally caffeinated. They jump from one perspective to the next as it goes from Blueprint standing in a city at night to a point-of-view shot of a paper airplane. It's experimental and artsy without being too much of either while also remaining wholly accessible..." Go HERE

I spend a retarded amount of time on youtube watching music videos, and I have to admit this is one of the best video-concepts I've seen in a long time... -LunaticAssnGotzGame Go HERE

Press - P.O.S - Optimist - Music Video

The video combines traditional graffiti-style animation, stop-motion paper cut-outs, deadly miniature car stunts, and a minimal beat pounded out on plastic cups. It's a pretty amazing piece of work. Must've taken about 15 years to put together. Lucky for us, it only takes like three minutes to watch. So, let's watch.." Go HERE contains a bunch of little tidbits of artistic goodness, including what looks like a Michel Gondry re-imagining of a Toy Story race and P.O.S. doing, as he puts it, “that thing with the cups.”..." Go HERE